(This application is
subject to Bill 51)
That Council:
1. Approve an amendment
to Zoning By-law 2008-250 to change the zoning of parts of 5645 and 5651 First
Line Road from (DR1) - Development Reserve Zone, Subzone 1 and (V1G) Village
Residential First Density, Subzone G to (V1P) - Village Residential First
Density, Subzone P and (O1) - Parks and Open Space Zone to facilitate a
proposed plan of subdivision as shown in Document 1 and as detailed in Document
3, and;
2. Approve an amendment
to the former Township of Rideau By-law, 2004-428 to change the zoning of parts
5645 and 5651 First Line Road to EP – Environmental Protection Zone as shown in
Document 2 and as detailed in Document 3.
RecommandationS du Comité
demande est assujettie au projet de loi 51)
Que le Conseil:
1. approuve une modification du Règlement
municipal de zonage 2008-250 afin de changer le zonage de certaines parties des
5645 et 5651 du chemin First Line de DR1 (zone d'aménagement futur, sous-zone
1) et de V1G (zone résidentielle de village de densité 1, sous-zone G) à V1P
(zone résidentielle de village de densité 1, sous-zone P) et à O1 (zone de parc
et d’espace vert) afin de faciliter la réalisation d'un plan proposé de
lotissement, tel que l'illustre le document 1 et que le montre en détail le
document 3;
2. approuve une modification du Règlement
municipal 2004-428 de l'ancien Canton de Rideau afin de changer le zonage de
certaines parties des 5645 et 5651 du chemin à EP (zone de protection de
l’environnement), tel que l'illustre le document 2 et que le montre en détail
le document 3.
City Manager's report Infrastructure Services and Community Sustainability
dated 21 November 2008 (ACS2008-ICS-PLA-0232).
Report to/Rapport au :
Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee
Comité d'agriculture et des questions rurales
and Council / et au Conseil
21 November 2008 / le 21 novembre 2008
Submitted by/Soumis par : Nancy Schepers, Deputy City Manager
Directrice municipale adjointe,
Infrastructure Services and Community Sustainability
Services d’infrastructure et Viabilité des collectivités
Person/Personne-ressource : Grant Lindsay, Manager/Gestionnaire,
Development Approvals/Approbation des demandes d'aménagement, Planning and
Growth Management/Ubanisme et Gestion de la croissance
580-2424, 13242 Grant.Lindsay@ottawa.ca
ZONING - parts of 5645 and 5651 First
Line RoaD (FILE NO. D02-02-08-0073) |
Approve an amendment
to Zoning By-law 2008-250 to change the zoning of parts of 5645 and 5651 First
Line Road from (DR1) - Development Reserve Zone, Subzone 1 and (V1G) Village
Residential First Density, Subzone G to (V1P) - Village Residential First
Density, Subzone P and (O1) - Parks and Open Space Zone to facilitate a
proposed plan of subdivision as shown in Document 1 and as detailed in Document 3,
Approve an amendment to the former Township of Rideau
By-law, 2004-428 to change the zoning of parts 5645 and 5651 First Line Road to
EP – Environmental Protection Zone as
shown in Document 2 and as detailed in Document 3.
Que le Comité de recommande au Conseil :
1. d'approuver
une modification du Règlement municipal de zonage 2008-250 afin de changer le
zonage de certaines parties des 5645 et 5651 du chemin First Line de DR1 (zone
d'aménagement futur, sous-zone 1) et de V1G (zone résidentielle de village de
densité 1, sous-zone G) à V1P (zone résidentielle de village de densité 1,
sous-zone P) et à O1 (zone de parc et d’espace vert) afin de faciliter la
réalisation d'un plan proposé de lotissement, tel que l'illustre le document 1 et que
le montre en détail le document 3;
2. d'approuver
une modification du Règlement municipal 2004-428 de l'ancien Canton de Rideau
afin de changer le zonage de certaines parties des 5645 et 5651 du chemin à EP
(zone de protection de l’environnement), tel que l'illustre le document 2 et que
le montre en détail le document 3.
The subject site is located at 5645 First Line Road within the Village of Manotick on the east side of First Line Road, north of Century Road. A Zoning By-law amendment application has been submitted to facilitate the development of a proposed plan of subdivision. The draft plan of subdivision forms a portion of the Council approved Manotick Special Design Area Concept Development Plan and Environmental Management Plan.
The site is approximately 4.46 hectares in size. This irregular shaped parcel is vacant with areas of levelled farmland and woodland areas along the banks of Mud Creek.
Proposed Development
This site forms part of an overall development scheme within the Manotick Special Design Area. Access to this site will be provided via the approved draft plan of subdivision to the north, known as Watterson Place Holdings Phase 3.
The draft subdivision plan proposes seven single detached residential lots on individual wells and septic systems. The lots front onto a municipal 20-metre right-of-way that terminates in a cul-de-sac. Also included in the development proposal is a walkway block connection to the Mud Creek pathway system. Environmentally sensitive lands have also been identified as per the Council approved Environmental Management Plan and will be placed in public ownership and zoned accordingly.
This is an application to rezone the subject property in order to facilitate development of the proposed plan of subdivision.
Ontario Municipal Board Appeals to the City of Ottawa Comprehensive Zoning By-law
On October 23, 2008 the Ontario Municipal Board issued a decision
permitting the unchallenged provisions of the Comprehensive Zoning By-law to
come into force. Effective immediately,
those provisions not subject to appeal are in force retroactive to the date of
enactment, being June 25, 2008.
For the purpose of this zoning amendment two zones are being proposed. They are the (V1P) Village Residential First Density Zone and the (O1) Parks and Open Space Zone. As a result of the recent decision of the Ontario Municipal Board the O1 Zone provisions remain under appeal. As such, in addition to amending the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for lands proposed as O1, an amendment to the former Township of Rideau By-law (2004-428) will also be required to address those lands to be recognized as Environmental Protection Zone.
The property is currently zoned (DR1) – Development Reserve Zone, Subzone 1 in the Zoning By-law 2008-25 and (EP) – Environmental Protection Zone in the former Township of Rideau Zoning By-law 2004-428. The DR1 zone limits the range of uses to protect for future development however does provide for some types of farm uses with provisions for a detached dwelling, accessory to a permitted use. The EP zone for the most part limits development potential to existing uses.
It is proposed to rezone a portion of the property to (V1P) – Village Residential First Density, Sub Zone P to permit single detached homes on lots having a minimum width of 30 metres, and a minimum area of 1390 square metres. Further, those lands identified for protection in the Council approved Manotick Special Design Area Concept Development Plan and Environmental Management Plan will be rezoned to (O1) - Parks and Open Space Zone.
With respect to the outstanding appeals of the Zoning By-law to the O1 provisions, the former Township of Rideau By-law will also be amended to (EP - Environmental Protection Zone) reflect the lands to be protected as prescribed by the Manotick Special Design Area Concept Development Plan and Environmental Management Plan.
The lands that are subject to this application are designated Village in the Official Plan.
The Secondary Plan for the Village of Manotick, being part of the Official Plan, provides that the Special Design Area is to be developed on private services.
Development within the Special Design Area required approval of a concept plan for development. This concept plan was approved by City Council on July 11, 2006.
The Concept Plan established the following principles to guide development in the Special Design Area:
The proposed zoning that includes (V1P) - Village Residential First Density, Subzone P
and (O1) - Parks and Open Space Zone and EP-Environmental Protection Zone (former
Township of Rideau Zoning By-law 2004-428) is appropriate for the subject
lands. It conforms to the Village
policies within the Official Plan and the Village of Manotick Plan and
adheres to the requirements set out in the City Council Approved Special Design
Area Concept Development Plan and Environmental Management Plan. The change in use will allow for the development of the lands in a way
that is sensitive to the existing natural features of Mud Creek. The proposed zone change is compatible with
surrounding land uses, which include low-density residential and rural land
On 11 July 2006 City Council approved an Environmental Management Plan
for the Manotick Special Design Area.
Recommendations of the Environmental Management Plan were incorporated
into the City Council Approved Special Design Area Concept Plan. The approved Concept Plan provides the
environmental parameters for development located in the Special Design
Area. The parameters have been met in
the proposed Zoning By-law amendment for the subject lands as follows:
The proposed Zoning By-law amendment will have no adverse effects on the rural community. The subject lands are already designated for development and do not contain agricultural resource lands.
Notice of this application was carried out in accordance with the City's Public Notification and Consultation Policy. The Ward Councillor is aware of this application and the staff recommendation. The City did not receive any negative comments or opposition to this application.
The application was not processed by the "On Time Decision Date" established for the processing of Zoning By-law amendments due to the complexity of the issues associated with the location of the development limit line along Mud Creek.
Document 1 Location
and Zoning Key Plan Zoning By-law 2008-250
Document 2 Location and Zoning Key Plan former Township of Rideau Zoning By-law
Document 3 Details of Recommended Zoning
City Clerk’s Branch, Council and Committee Services to notify the owner, c/o Jennifer Murray, Minto Communities Inc., 427 Laurier Avenue West, Suite 300 Ottawa, Ont., K1R 7Y2, OttawaScene.com, 174 Colonnade Road, Unit #33, Ottawa, ON K2E 7J5, Ghislain Lamarche, Program Manager, Assessment, Financial Services Branch (Mail Code: 26-76) of City Council’s decision.
Infrastructure Services and Community Sustainability Department to prepare the implementing by-law, forward to Legal Services Branch and undertake the statutory notification.
Legal Services Branch to forward the implementing by-law to City Council.
Changes to the City of Ottawa Zoning By-law
The Zoning Map of By-law 2008-250 is amended by
rezoning the lands shown as:
(1) Area
A on Document 1 to this by‑law from DR1 to V1P.
(2) Area
B on Document 1 to this by-law from DR1 to O1.
(3) Area
C on Document 1 to this by-law from V1G to O1
Changes to the By-law 2004-428
A, Map 3A of By-law 2004-428 be amended to reflect the change in zoning as
shown on Document 2.